Your Yokel Top 10 2022 Countdown!

What a year it has been!

Let’s be realistic folks!

Per tradition we bring to you our top 10 most popular posts of the year! Let’s jump right in!

#10- Breaking down Cindy Rose’s “pornography” claims!

We are going to have to deal with this issue for quite some time since FCPS had to form a committee over her nonsense. Let’s hope that she and her ilk can learn the meaning of the word pornography. We won’t hold our breaths.

She sure doesn’t!

#9-Let’s make sure we get some good candidates on the BOE!

3 out of 4 isn’t bad! However, we are going to have to teach some folks in our community that we don’t just vote for the first name on the ballot just because we chose to remain uninformed about the election!

#8-Sound the alarm: be sure *independent & unaffiliated* voters know to vote in the primary July 19, 2022 (early voting the 7th – 14th)

Our post reminding independent and unaffiliated voters made the number 8 spot on our list. We always need to remind our unaffiliated friends that they can vote in the BOE primary election, and it’s important that they do so!

#7- Alright people, Hough says this is very serious business!

Except it absolutely was not! Thank goodness we don’t have to deal with him in our fine county.

Move along!

#6-There’s quite a few of you who should be ashamed of yourselves!

This post concerned the absolutely appalling behavior that some of our community members (You know Cindy was involved) showed at a Family Life Advisory meeting. We always need to be careful of people who can’t comprehend what they read, or worse yet, don’t read and then make things up to purposefully enflame people.

#5-Chmelik wants to be on our council again? BAHAHA..NO!

Tony Chmelik, one of your LadyYokel’s least favorite council members, tried to run for at at-large seat and failed. Hopefully this blast from the past reminded a few folks why we didn’t want him the last time around and prevented him from getting back on this time!

#4-Cindy Rose’s Facebook posts…a response in memes!

Our readers really seemed to enjoy our meme responses to some very questionable posts Cindy made this year. Some people should stay off social media.

For us the answer is always yes!

#3-Your Yokel pals watched the public comment (again-it’s what we do) so you don’t have to!

This was truly one of the worst public meetings we have ever had the displeasure of watching. And this is coming from a group of ladies that watched every single county council meeting for the long 4 years that Billy Shreve, Kirby Delauter, and Tony Chmelik were on that board. Cindy really can bring out the worst in people.

#2-Click, Clack, No!

One of our older posts got resurrected this year because people just could not believe that Cindy would complain about Click, Clack, Moo! Sometimes we can’t believe what we see either.

It was ridiculous.

Now for our most popular post of the year:

#1-Who NOT to put on the school board. Your Yokel voter primer!

Thank goodness we kept Cindy and two of her minions off the board, plus the entire 2nd rate hate slate! We are sure we will see some of them back again, but at least we have the next two years to take a nice deep breath!

We wish all of our Local Yokel fans a wonderful holiday season and a peaceful 2023!

Yokel thoughts on the election and a primer for some!

Before we get into the final results we need to address some cray cray we’ve seen regarding the election count. After deliberating at Yokel headquarters for a bit, we are convinced that the main problem is a good portion of Americans don’t understand how elections work. One of our favorite/crazy comments came from someone who stated that she couldn’t understand how Dan Cox won the 1st election and then lost the 2nd. Must be fraud! Not the fact that primary elections are party centered and who wins the primary does not have the assurance of winning the general election! If that were true we would have two winners in the governor race!

The Frederick News Post comments on Facebook are also a real treat. We have some folks positing that since the count is still going on then it must be all the Democrats just harvesting all those fake ballots!

Looks like a good crop this year!

Just because your orange menace ruined mail in voting for you doesn’t mean the rest of us bought into it. Republicans just hate when people are allowed convenient ways to vote, because they know that the more people allowed to vote the harder it is for them to win. NOT FRAUD. This Lady Yokel just got her notification that her mail in ballot was just counted and if these people had their way they would just be fine and dandy with disenfranchising me- Especially Cindy!

Now for the final election results!

Drum Roll please!!!!!

Jessica will be the next County Executive and Renee Knapp and Brad Young will be our At-Large representatives on the next council!

So thankful that we don’t have to worry about Hough and Chemlik, who recently posted conspiracy thoughts about Nancy Pelosi’s husband on his campaign Facebook page, destroying our county!

Mostly good news for our council races.Hopefully Mason will behave himself and grow.

And for the race we’ve been paying the most attention to, the Board of Ed race:

Let’s see if Cindy really means it about this 4th run being her last.

We would have really liked to have seen Ysela make it, and it seems like we’ll have to do another primer about not clicking on the first name if you don’t know who to vote for. But alas, this is what we have to live with for now. At least the January 6th insurrectionist and Cindy didn’t make it!

It’s time for your Lady Yokels to take a bit of a rest. Thank you to all who voted and have been paying attention!

Let’s have a little chat about the At-Large race!

Why do we have to keep talking about this guy?

If you’ve followed us for awhile, you know we’ve said a lot about Tony and his style of governing. We can’t fathom why he’s trying again, but here we are. Let us remind everyone that he lost his last primary as an incumbent to Steve McKay. And instead of accepting the results of that election (sound familiar?), he embarked upon a write in campaign that was very, very unsuccessful. We could go on and on about what a bad choice he would be, but instead we’ll link to our most recent article about him in which we revisit his political past as proof as to why he should not have a political future:

Now let’s move on to Phil Dacey. Remember him, the guy from Picturegate?

Phil wasn’t there, so they just photoshopped him in!

Phil not showing up to meetings is kind of his thing. He missed a lot of meetings when he was on the Board of Alderman and now he’s been missing council meetings. Here at the Yokel we get lots and lots of tips. People send us stuff all the time, and we welcome it. But we only really share things that we verify elsewhere or that people we know for sure are trustworthy tell us. So, Phil got divorced this year. No judgement, we have plenty of divorced friends; this isn’t the 1950s and we aren’t going to shame anyone for a divorce. But there is a part that applies to his duties here. Our source revealed, that Phil has a new squeeze who lives fairly far away (in Canada! How rich is that? A girlfriend in Canada! It almost sounds like we made it up, but we promise you we didn’t), and because of this new relationship he’s frequently out of town and has been zooming into meetings. (Edit: UH-OH we have a contradictory account confirming that he has been present for everything important)

We do sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding. A concern that past behaviors would repeat given current realities was miscommunicated. While that concern is completely understandable, we do not want to be adding to the world’s problems with false information.

Brad Young, on the other hand, is everywhere. Always on a fire truck at a impromptu covid grad party, or wherever he can show up and be seen supporting our community, annnnd He! Shows! Up!

See for yourself:

Candidate Renee Knapp is our other endorsement. She is a special-needs parent originally from Middletown, now living in Adamstown (which is not Canada!). She has a lengthy history of volunteerism with the school system and for the PTA. She has neither a track record of chronic absenteeism, nor a predilection for birth-your-own-militia posturing. If you would like to learn more about a one hundred percent bona fide sane and responsible human being concerned with education, internet expansion (which is truly a critical issue for much of the rural county, especially those who engage in small business endeavors and need reliable online communication) and our local environment, here is a link to the issues page on Ms. Knapp’s candidate website. Click around to explore more!

Let’s revisit our election reporting!!!

Make sure you do your research!

In light of Heather Fletcher’s national news making act of stealing the pronoun pins and checking out all the PRIDE display books from the Brunswick library, we’ve been getting quite a few inquiries as to which candidates should be avoided. This post will revisit some of our election posts (focused heavily on the school board) to get everyone up to speed!

In our most recent post, we did a deep dive to see how our local candidates feel about gun control in the wake of the shootings at Udvale.

We also put out the call for all Independent voters to make their way to the polls this primary season because the Board of Education primary race is open to ALL voters. You’ll also see your Yokel picks for this race!

Don’t let Tony Chmelik back into our county government. Period.

We also took a minute to remind everyone why Michael Hough would be a horrible choice for our next county executive.

Cindy’s hate slate doesn’t believe racism is a thing. Did we just have to type that sentence?

The national phenomenon of accusing teachers of being sexual groomers has made it to our fine county by the very unfine candidates listed below:

Cindy Rose

Mark Joannides

Olivia Angolia

Nancy Allen

Tiffany Nobel

Ashley Nieves

Heather Fletcher

April Montgomery

Read more about this in the posts below:

We’ll end our post with a primer we wrote back in March:

Please share this information far and wide. We need to make sure our school board and county governments remain sane and functional institutions. And don’t forget to check into our Facebook page as we frequently share what we find on our local characters.

We can do something! Local elections matter and have consequences.

How did we let this happen folks? Those of you older than 40 know that things weren’t always like this. We didn’t always have this obsessive of a gun culture. There was a time when we wouldn’t have dreamed of allowing regular citizens possess these types of weapons. It all comes down to greed. When gun manufacturers’ market dried up in the the U.S. and foreign military markets ,they turned to the American public. And some of you lapped up their advertising manipulations and scare tactics to the point that this country is broken. This has nothing to do with the Second Amendment anymore (read the whole thing: the parts about well regulated and militia count just has much as the part the NRA posts in their entry way) , it’s all about an easily manipulated American public who helped ( and continue to help) unscrupulous, greedy gun companies get rich. It’s all so stupid and sad.

We’ve been thinking a lot about what we can do to change things. We keep wondering if this will be our George Floyd moment when it comes to gun control. It’s not as though a majority of us don’t already believe change needs to come. Just look at these polling results that historian Heather Richardson recently posted:

A Politico/Morning consult poll out Wednesday showed “huge support” for gun regulations. It showed that 88% of voters strongly or somewhat support background checks on all gun sales, while only 8% strongly or somewhat oppose such checks. That’s a net approval of +80.

Preventing gun sales to people who have been reported to police as dangerous by a mental health provider is supported by 84% of voters while only 9% oppose it, a net approval of +75.

Seventy-seven percent of voters support requiring guns to be stored in a safe storage unit, while only 15% oppose such a requirement, a net approval of +62.

A national database for gun sales gets 75% approval and 18% disapproval, a net approval rate of +57.

And take a look at this clip from conservative Supreme Court justice Warren Berger regarding the 2nd Amendment:

So what’s stopping us? First of all we need to stop electing people to office who hold unreasonable and uncompromising viewpoints on gun ownership. And that’s where we come in. We did a deep dive on some of our local candidates and their views on gun control. We discovered more than what we set out to look for, and we’ll share that with you as well.

Let’s start with our old pal Cindy Rose:

We know it’s a lot to take in, and man oh man she is so wrong on so many things, but here’s one more hot take for you to remember her by:


Let’s move on. Running alongside Cindy is Nancy Allen. Look at the hot garbage we found on that one!

Next under the microscope is Tiffany Nobel, a school board candidate who thinks arming teachers is the solution to this issue.

It would take hours, if not weeks, to sort through all the pro-gun stuff on Dan Cox’s page, so we’ll just send you a little taste.

There are those on the other side of Dan who would like to see him win the primary because all polling shows that he would get trounced by whomever wins the Democratic nomination. And while we think that is true, we still wouldn’t be able to stomach the fact that he even garnered that much support. (If you are behind on how terrible Dan Cox is, just click here.)

Last but not least is NRA darling, Michael Hough. The man who is running unopposed in the Republican primary and thinks we should let him be our next County Executive.

This was posted in response to someone else letting the world know how insensitive he is to gun violence. It’s also nice to know that he subscribes to the ridiculous notion that Soros and Bloomberg are paying everyone off and couldn’t have possibly come to these conclusions on their own. Imagine how this ability to discuss other ideas would transfer to our top executive office.

Independents please don’t forget to vote in the Board of Education primary on July 19th. Here’s a few links to give your our thoughts on this upcoming election.

Don’t forget to scroll down to the bottom pic on that one.

Make sure all your friends and families pay attention to our local elections. Just imagine a world in which Dan Cox is governor, Michael Hough is our County Executive, and Cindy et al. run our schools. It’s enough to give you nightmares.

Chmelik wants to be on our council again? BAHAHA..NO!

We will do everything we can to make sure this history does not repeat itself!

It’s been awhile since Tony lost his seat on the County Council, so there may be some folks who’ve forgotten about his antics. Therefore, as the self-appointed historians of Frederick’s very first county council, we are here to remind y’all why this guy can not be allowed back in that position!

Let’s first share his thoughts on Covid-19 and give thanks he wasn’t in any position empowering him to make public health decisions.

We know folks, we know.

Remember the time he wanted to lease schools? Yeah, we blocked that one out as well.

What about the time he wanted to add an amendment to double the pay of the County Executive? Without consulting anyone else. We are still scratching our heads over that one.

The biggest complaint about Chmelik was his condescending manner, especially when dealing with women. Here’s a taste of that tone.

He also believed that legislation should reflect his religious beliefs.

How could we forget the time he called a “living wage” a political boondoggle passed to please the labor unions?

We will never forget the time we took Kirby’s advice to “follow the money” and found that the person who Tony championed to get the off track betting license in Frederick County also made a large contribution to Tony’s campaign!

And of course we all remember the sour grapes version of Tony when he lost the primary to Steve McKay and then insisted he be a write-in candidate because he was the only true conservative.

And no Tony post is complete without the Chmelik family Christmas photo of yonder years:

How are the dogs going to defend themselves?

One time around with this one was quite enough! If he wins, it may encourage the others to give it another go. Stay vigilant our friends!

This was going to be a simple Facebook post, but it’s too terrible: Chmelik edition

Hey, last night Tony Chmelik decided that Kai Hagen is full of propaganda and that CNN is the reason everyone is scared of the coronavirus and we have bigly questions.

In no particular order:

  • Did CNN entice Ted Cruz to self-quarantine? (If so, we have definitely not been giving CNN enough credit for their fine, albeit obnoxious, services.)
  • Did Italy decide to quarantine 16 million people because CNN thinks the coronavirus is dangerous?
  • Have you seen your “I love Trump; he’s good for my 401K” today? (psssst. Trading halted this morning right out of the gate. Gasp! Is CNBC powerless to stop the evil that CNN has wrought upon us? )
  • Does anyone think there could be a correlation between public confidence in the administration and 700 vacancies at the CDC and/or the fact that T-Rump fired the pandemic response team? (spoiler alert: HELL YES.)
  • Is everyone thrilled Tony Chmelik does not make policy decisions for this fine county this morning? (again: HELL YES.)
Fahrvergnügen! What a maroon.

Also. Wuhan looks like a place with practically no modern amenities? Uhhhhh. No.


Yes, we are experiencing big moods this morning. We must extend our most courteous thanks to Tony Chmelik for volunteering as tribute so that we may handle these “Everything is terrible all the time” feelings. It is partially his fault, after all. 

Silver linings available here:



Vote for smart people. The end.



Oh, they are not getting off this easy! Your Yokel good-bye post to the three amigos!

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Listen to Buster, there is no need for such dramatics!

We kinda feel cheated here. We thought there was going to be at least one more meeting for us to narrate, one more chance to wax nostalgic about these long four years. However, since Bud wisely decided to allow the next council to make a decision on the Monocacy River Plan, it is over. We are not about to let Kirby, Billy, and Tony leave without one last post! We’ve worked way too hard over this last term to just let them slink away under the cover of darkness.

We are not quite done…YET!

We  dove into the old Yokel archives to come up with a top five list for each of our least favorite FORMER (ah man, that feels good to type) council members!

Let’s start with Tony. Our biggest problem with him was his condescension towards the women on the council and Jan in particular. We’ve also heard that there are those down in Winchester Hall  who are very happy they no longer have to put up with his mansplaining ways! Take a look back to when he tried to mansplain something that wasn’t even happening!!!

Every budget season Tony liked to compare the county budget to his very own small business. You know since Tony hasn’t made enough money to give his workers a raise, the county should operate along the same lines! Here’s a trip down memory lane to remind y’all just how long-winded and off course he could be.

Remember when Tony introduced the off-track betting bill and tried to tell us it was open to any restaurant ? We smelled a rat and decided to take Kirby’s advice to follow the money and guess what? We discovered it wasn’t really open to all! All kinds of fun!

Let us also remember when he introduced legislation to ensure that the planning commission didn’t hold any political beliefs. We dug around a little and found out this was directed at Bob and Carole because he didn’t like something he saw on Facebook!  Oh the petty dramas we’ve seen on Facebook this year!

What he will be most remembered for is launching his miserably failed write-in campaign! Sour grapes anyone?

It’s difficult to narrow down the list for Kirby as he gave us way too much material to work with. What we will remember most is his alternative budgets he would write every year. Budgets he had no authority to write, which often made no sense, and just wound up wasting everyone’s time. Go ahead and click here and here.

Kirby’s thrown a lot of online hissy fits, but besides the time he made national news when he threatened to sue a reporter over using his name, our second favorite has to be when he refused to donate to the Catoctin athletic department because he couldn’t grab up all the county contracts. Way to keep it classy!

Kirby also has trouble distinguishing dictatorships from a democratically elected executive office! We will never forget the lesson plan we put together to help him distinguish the difference!

In more recent news, Kirby was NOT happy that he lost in the Republican primary for CE. And he wasn’t going down quietly. He specifically charged Danny Farrar with high crimes and misdemeanors for daring to campaign with Regina Williams.  He also called a private citizen a POS for daring to go against him.  Even the High Sheriff got called out! If you missed it, it is a MUST see.

No Kirby countdown is complete without mention of the flowchart. It is truly the greatest thing we’ve ever seen. When it first came to your Lady Yokel’s attention, we were gasping for air trying to breathe. All these years later it still brings a smile to our face. 

We just had to put it here as well! Jessica still has not answered these charges against her! LOLOLOLOL!

Oh Billy, Billy, Billy. The most ineffectual of all of our first county council members. What he’ll probably most be remembered for is for his uncreative use of the word ABSTAIN. Billy thought since they didn’t have their own budget whisperer (despite them having the entire county budget department available to answer any questions) he could just take the next four years off.  We still find it amusing that the person he and Kirby wanted as their budget person ran against Kirby in the CE primary, and according to Kirby ruined everything for him. The drama of Frederick County politics! You never know when someone is going to turn against ya!

There was a whole bunch of wedding venue drama associated with Billy. He didn’t care if a structure was deemed unsafe by the Fire Marshall and could have potentially killed a bunch of high school kids. He didn’t care if the people operating said wedding venue had the proper permits or if they even asked the people who actually owned the land if they could host weddings and parties. NONE of that mattered to him. It was quite a sight to behold, watching him trying to rationalize all this nonsense. 

Billy’s rude behavior was a constant thorn in our side. He’s adopted the Trump way of speaking because : 1. He can’t think for himself, and 2. He reacts in anger when he doesn’t understand what is going on. Which was quite often. Here’s an example of when Billy took that anger out on one of our favorite county employees, Lori Depies.

Let us not forget when Billy lost his keys, couldn’t have his coveted parking space, and accused Bud Otis of telling him to “get on his knees”. This caused Billy to threaten to file a sexual harassment complaint! He then said  if this was appropriate language then he was going to start using it on the dais! As though he was holding himself back!

What we will most remember about good ole Billy Shreve is the time he told the world that there are people on both sides of the human trafficking issue. He then proceeded to vote against every human trafficking bill that came before the council. Really folks, what kind of person votes against trying to stop human trafficking?



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The kind that gets his ass handed to him in a primary election!

We’ll see how much we have to say with the new council. Things are looking pretty sane so far.  Thank y’all for paying attention and voting these jokers out. We don’t need this type of legislating in our fine county!

Not this time!






Hydrate, people!

We hope you have a big jug of water by your side all day today. Drink often. You’ll need to be fully hydrated ahead of tonight’s meeting. Grab your agenda and get ready for what could be a long one.

First up are two budget items. If Billy continues to gripe about not having enough staff before abstaining on his vote, swig back a bitchy bellini.

Next up are approval of minutes and an appointment confirmation. This will be followed by public hearing on the proposed sale of a county owned building. Serve yourself a Harvey Wallbanger just because.

Three Third Readings are on the agenda next. They all involve human trafficking. When short timer and “both sides” council member Shreve says anything dumb mix yourself a man of war.

It’s break time! Hydrate with more water. Your liver needs it.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Re: Amended Bill No. 18-25 – Impartiality of Planning Commission and Board of Appeals MembersAn Amendment to: clarify the matters and proceedings to which the Bill applies. This is about as confusing as the infamous flow chart. Bob is always mired in these insane ramblings.

First up after the break are several public hearings. Things could get testy. Steel your nerves with a bourbon pumpkin smash. Tony is up first with his perhaps personal vendetta led impartiality bill. Next up are some high adjustments to the fy2019 budget. This would move up the Oakdale Middle School addition,  move up the design approval for a new east county elementary school, and move up the modernization/addition project at Brunswick High School. Drink an appletini to celebrate if all 3 are approved.

Last up for discussion is a budget item which involves lots of wins for fire/safety in Frederick County. Celebrate with a fire engine.

The meeting will end with council member comments. We are sure we won’t even care what Shrevelauter have to say. Best to return to drinking water. Don’t you have to adult tomorrow???

Go to work!



Pumpkin spice everything! It’s your October 2nd drinking game!

Hope you survived Oktoberfest!


Grab your agenda, it’s time to continue our countdown to bye bye Shrelauter time. This week’s meeting starts with an EMS budget adjustment. We expect Billy will go ahead and abstain so slam back your favorite pumpkin flavored beer as a nod to Oktoberfest time.

Next up are a few executive appointments, and discussion of new business. Hydrate with some plain ole iced tea. The next section could get bumpy, and you need your wits about you to follow along.

It’s the third reading time for Adequate Public Facilities, adjustment of school construction fees. We know that this is a very important issue.  Let’s hope common sense prevails here. Swing back a teacher’s aid. You’ll need it either way.

Break, and we resume with four public hearings. Two of these are by our short timer council members Shreve and Chmelik so we anticipate some whining and grand standing.

End with an extra stormy dark and stormy to match your mood after having to sit through council member comments.

No, no, no. Not that kind of Stormy!