
As soon as your Lady Yokels saw this pic, we knew some tomfoolery was afoot:

Look at Phil Dacey. 

But, without proof we didn’t want to make any accusations. Luckily, the local Republicans are in full cannibal mode and broke the case for us. Behold:

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Oh Good Lord People! Why would you do this? Why?

There must have been at least 100 people at this event, they had to have known that more than one camera would have been clicking away. But according to  Frederick County Council At-Large candidate Danny Farrar, tis no big deal:

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So, because it was so poorly done and obvious and didn’t’ take place in Iraq there is no deceit to be found! And, if everyone was going to know anyway why not put it in the caption that he was unable to attend?!

For anyone who pays attention around these here parts, not showing up is kind of Phil Dacey’s thing. According to The Frederick Extra  during his tenure as a Frederick City Alderman he was absent from 31 workshops and 5 public hearings! He was also late 21 times! How do voters know he’s going to show up for county meetings? After all, past behavior is a great predictor of future behavior. Pretending that someone was at event when he clearly was not, no matter how poorly done, is deceitful. And in Phil Dacey’s case shows a pattern of not showing up for his public duties.

We happen to be of the opinion that it is a big deal to photoshop in a notorious no-show. #notoriousnoshow

7 thoughts on “Picturegate

  1. Incredibly poor judgement. Group photos at events tell viewers, among other things, which candidates felt the event was important enough to show up. Would Farrar’s explanation hold up if it was Hogan who was photoshopped?


  2. Fake pictures are in essence, nothing but, an untruth (lie). They should have photoshopped Ben Franklin in if they really wanted to be talked about.


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