Oh, they are not getting off this easy! Your Yokel good-bye post to the three amigos!

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Listen to Buster, there is no need for such dramatics!

We kinda feel cheated here. We thought there was going to be at least one more meeting for us to narrate, one more chance to wax nostalgic about these long four years. However, since Bud wisely decided to allow the next council to make a decision on the Monocacy River Plan, it is over. We are not about to let Kirby, Billy, and Tony leave without one last post! We’ve worked way too hard over this last term to just let them slink away under the cover of darkness.

We are not quite done…YET!

We  dove into the old Yokel archives to come up with a top five list for each of our least favorite FORMER (ah man, that feels good to type) council members!

Let’s start with Tony. Our biggest problem with him was his condescension towards the women on the council and Jan in particular. We’ve also heard that there are those down in Winchester Hall  who are very happy they no longer have to put up with his mansplaining ways! Take a look back to when he tried to mansplain something that wasn’t even happening!!!

Every budget season Tony liked to compare the county budget to his very own small business. You know since Tony hasn’t made enough money to give his workers a raise, the county should operate along the same lines! Here’s a trip down memory lane to remind y’all just how long-winded and off course he could be.

Remember when Tony introduced the off-track betting bill and tried to tell us it was open to any restaurant ? We smelled a rat and decided to take Kirby’s advice to follow the money and guess what? We discovered it wasn’t really open to all! All kinds of fun!

Let us also remember when he introduced legislation to ensure that the planning commission didn’t hold any political beliefs. We dug around a little and found out this was directed at Bob and Carole because he didn’t like something he saw on Facebook!  Oh the petty dramas we’ve seen on Facebook this year!

What he will be most remembered for is launching his miserably failed write-in campaign! Sour grapes anyone?

It’s difficult to narrow down the list for Kirby as he gave us way too much material to work with. What we will remember most is his alternative budgets he would write every year. Budgets he had no authority to write, which often made no sense, and just wound up wasting everyone’s time. Go ahead and click here and here.

Kirby’s thrown a lot of online hissy fits, but besides the time he made national news when he threatened to sue a reporter over using his name, our second favorite has to be when he refused to donate to the Catoctin athletic department because he couldn’t grab up all the county contracts. Way to keep it classy!

Kirby also has trouble distinguishing dictatorships from a democratically elected executive office! We will never forget the lesson plan we put together to help him distinguish the difference!

In more recent news, Kirby was NOT happy that he lost in the Republican primary for CE. And he wasn’t going down quietly. He specifically charged Danny Farrar with high crimes and misdemeanors for daring to campaign with Regina Williams.  He also called a private citizen a POS for daring to go against him.  Even the High Sheriff got called out! If you missed it, it is a MUST see.

No Kirby countdown is complete without mention of the flowchart. It is truly the greatest thing we’ve ever seen. When it first came to your Lady Yokel’s attention, we were gasping for air trying to breathe. All these years later it still brings a smile to our face. 

We just had to put it here as well! Jessica still has not answered these charges against her! LOLOLOLOL!

Oh Billy, Billy, Billy. The most ineffectual of all of our first county council members. What he’ll probably most be remembered for is for his uncreative use of the word ABSTAIN. Billy thought since they didn’t have their own budget whisperer (despite them having the entire county budget department available to answer any questions) he could just take the next four years off.  We still find it amusing that the person he and Kirby wanted as their budget person ran against Kirby in the CE primary, and according to Kirby ruined everything for him. The drama of Frederick County politics! You never know when someone is going to turn against ya!

There was a whole bunch of wedding venue drama associated with Billy. He didn’t care if a structure was deemed unsafe by the Fire Marshall and could have potentially killed a bunch of high school kids. He didn’t care if the people operating said wedding venue had the proper permits or if they even asked the people who actually owned the land if they could host weddings and parties. NONE of that mattered to him. It was quite a sight to behold, watching him trying to rationalize all this nonsense. 

Billy’s rude behavior was a constant thorn in our side. He’s adopted the Trump way of speaking because : 1. He can’t think for himself, and 2. He reacts in anger when he doesn’t understand what is going on. Which was quite often. Here’s an example of when Billy took that anger out on one of our favorite county employees, Lori Depies.

Let us not forget when Billy lost his keys, couldn’t have his coveted parking space, and accused Bud Otis of telling him to “get on his knees”. This caused Billy to threaten to file a sexual harassment complaint! He then said  if this was appropriate language then he was going to start using it on the dais! As though he was holding himself back!

What we will most remember about good ole Billy Shreve is the time he told the world that there are people on both sides of the human trafficking issue. He then proceeded to vote against every human trafficking bill that came before the council. Really folks, what kind of person votes against trying to stop human trafficking?



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The kind that gets his ass handed to him in a primary election!

We’ll see how much we have to say with the new council. Things are looking pretty sane so far.  Thank y’all for paying attention and voting these jokers out. We don’t need this type of legislating in our fine county!

Not this time!






Election day musings……

It’s taken your Lady Yokels a few days to digest all the election news. Nationally, things worked out very well, The Democrats took the House, and despite this causing the Orange Menace to have a colossal press conference melt-down, it’s the first step to re-establishing some sort of sanity in our country.

Let’s get to the local level. Thank you to the Frederick News Post for all the election graphics. It is so much better to look at than the unofficial results on the Frederick County Board of Elections page. 

WHOO HOO! Three times was NOT the charm for Cindy Rose. Hopefully we can hide all stories about her in the archives and she won’t make us write about her ever again.


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Seriously! Thank you!

And of course we are pleased about this:

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We can only imagine who Kathy would have photoshopped into her official photographs. Earl Robbins didn’t garner the 33% spread that Blaine predicted he would. Isn’t it shocking that the Blaine/Kirby/Cindy endorsement crew couldn’t pull it out for him? Congratulations CE Gardner, we look forward to another great 4 years!

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We are happy/sad about this one. Happy that Kai made it through with the most votes, sad that Susan won’t take the other seat. There are still votes to be counted, so we can’t predict which Republican will take the other seat. And Bud? Well, we had some good times with him on the council. For three years he fended off the craziness of the Shrelauter crew, however some of the things he did towards end of his term cost him votes that he desperately needed as an Independent candidate. We wish him good luck in his future endeavors.

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We were going to be happy with either of these two winning. Who was the write-in candidate again? LOL!!!! We did go to the election site to take a closer look at the write-in numbers.

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Do you remember when Tony said he was running because not enough people came out to vote for him in the primary? Therefore, he HAD to run as the only true conservative. So curious as to how he couldn’t even garner 800 votes. Now we are about to show you something we’ve been sitting on for awhile: Tony didn’t run a very good campaign. The evidence? His PayPal link on his campaign page looked a little like this:

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At least the mansplaining days are almost over!

More good news!:

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These ladies will be the most experienced members of the new county council!

We really hope that this works itself out in Jerry’s favor with the absentee ballots:

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After all, he was in this same boat with Ellen Bartlett four years ago!

And now for the boo hiss portion of this post:

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Hopefully this Blue guy isn’t as obtuse as #kirbydelauter.

And the worst of all local news:

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We know Spazzy! But, you can’t win them all!

We are all so curious as to how this new county government will function! STAY TUNED!


What happens when you don’t vote?

Well, durh!

On this election day, we hope that most of you already got out there and exercised your right to vote! For those of you who have not, please do! If you are still sitting there thinking, “Well, I don’t know. What does it matter? My vote doesn’t matter.” KNOCK IT OFF! RIGHT NOW!

All bad!

If you are disenchanted by national elections (re-read the first meme), then for the love of Zeus think of our local government. Do you want to see someone like Cindy Rose sneak onto the school board? Someone who doesn’t have the temperament, much less the background necessary to be a functional member of our local school board. But hey, yesterday she decided it was finally about time she put out her platform. BEHOLD:

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What is with the quotations?

If you need any further evidence of her unfitness, just go to our site and type her name in our handy dandy search engine.

If that doesn’t scare the bejeezers out of you, think of Kathy Afzali at the helm of our county government. Take a look at her attempt to win us over! Also, don’t forget she was behind Picturegate! We do not need someone with this kind of bad judgement.

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And lastly, think of our county council! We have had the extreme good fortune to get Billy, Kirby, and Tony off of the dais in one fell swoop. (Yeah, we aren’t paying attention to any lame sour grapes write-in campaigns.) And while we will miss getting to talk about things like this:

This should go down in some Frederick County history book!

We don’t need to replace them! Phil Dacey doesn’t know how to show up to meetings or photo ops. And Danny Farrar engages in way too much Facebook nonsense and #kirbydelauter betrayal (well, that’s actually pretty funny) to be taken seriously. Joe Parsley has shown up to way too many county council meetings to sing the praises of Billy and Kirby to register as a serious person . We can go on and on, but we’ll just drop this here:

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If we haven’t convinced you that local elections, hell ALL elections, matter, let Plato help ya out:

Don’t we know it!

We’ll let you know things turn out! Fingers crossed!

The tale of the irrelevant abstainer: Your July 17th meeting run-down!

It’s been a rough four years!

It seems to be that we will be reporting on these last few meetings with a sense of relief. For everything that Shrelauter and Tony does is TEMPORARY. Let’s get to it!

Kirby comes in late and Billy abstains on voting on the agenda.

There are a bunch of concerned citizens making comments about the Sheriff’s agreement with ICE. More specifically how there needs to be an external audit since he’s apparently taking in more than he’s spending. Lots of good points made about how the Sheriff’s office should not be the only entity that has oversight of this program. We also loved Matt Seubert’s comments about the primary election results!

Billy abstains on the budget adjustments, of which there are many, AND the minutes. He then goes on to abstain on the appointment of Kathy Schey to the division of Senior Services, as well as to the appointees to the Board of Appeals. Can someone just write him an excuse note for the rest of his term?

Other board’s members are approved with no issues.

The Bikeways and Trail plan is approved 5-2. Billy tries to make some noise about how this is just like the Monocacy River Plan, to which Tony disagrees.

A bulk of the evening is spent discussing the charter amendments that will find their way to our ballot this Fall. Tony doesn’t win with his amendment that would allow the council to add, delete, and move money around in the budget. Most people are in agreement that we need another council to see if this is actually a charter problem or just a problem with certain “personalities” on the present council. LOL! Jessica pulls her collective bargaining amendment that she was working out with the firefighters because they wrote their own and have been all over town getting people to sign their petition. You can read a more in depth analysis of this section of the meeting here.

The council voted to surplus a building on Ballenger Creek Pike. Originally slated for a firehouse, it has been sitting there for 30 years. Billy wants to see if the original owner can be tracked down, and the county representative is pretty much flabbergasted by this suggestion. The council, except for the abstainer, agreed to surplus it.

We then go through a bunch of First Readings, which will be discussed in more detail at a later date. And sorry/not sorry, we are skipping the sewage amendment hearing portion of the evening!

We return at 7:00 with two public hearings on bills that have to do with accessory dwelling units. All conversation is positive!

He’s been quiet all evening, but now it’s time for council member comments and Kirby has some things to say! He’s got one issue! The mayor of New Market contacted him because the he says the county agreed to take care of a new by-pass, but now wants the town to do it. We are treated to such Kirbyisms as:

“The county is trying to strong-arm a municipality!”

“The agreement says what it says!”

What will we do without this hyperbolic language come January?

True Facts!

Billy agrees that we’ve all seen this movie before! And don’t you know that all the municipalities are suing the county?! We sure didn’t!

Jerry has nice things to say about the carnivals. Tony has nothing to say. Jessica reminds us that the council really can’t do anything about the agreement with ICE nor can the Executive. M.C. makes us aware of a forum that Ft. Detrick is having about the sterilization plant shut-down and also had some nice events to tell us about. Bud ends the evening recounting all the fine things going on around these here parts.

Overall, we made it through the first post-election legislative day relatively unscathed! Here’s to the last four months going as smoothly!

Yokel thoughts on the election.

First of all, WOW…just WOW! The three that we write most about (Kirby, Billy, and Tony) couldn’t muster up enough votes among their own party to make it to the general election. I guess it wasn’t just us! Billy really got his backside handed to him:

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Holy moly macaroni!

And the other two, who at least didn’t get trounced quite as badly:

But, still lost. We’ve been asked what we are going to do without these three to write about. And our answer to that is:


For we care more about this county being governed by capable people than having material for the blog. Plus, there will always be SOMEONE.

We’ve been looking around the interwebs and have seen that many, many Republicans are super upset about Afzali snagging the nomination. We even saw this proclamation from Cindy:



Most of those upset (including Cindy; so much for mean what you say and say what you mean…oh wait, she’s just mean) are now advocating for Earl Robbins’ Independent campaign, so you can imagine how that’s all going to work out. Please proceed. Cindy and Blaine are amongst those who have already come out to support him. He must be pleased to receive the Silver Linings Playbook Slate endorsement. The infighting/betrayals of this county party are really a sight to behold, folks!

And yes, Cindy made it through to 6th place out of 8th in the BOE race.  Even she knows that it almost insurmountable. And if you know anyone who is confused about how to vote in the general election, you can find ample evidence online to share with them. Be forewarned: she considers it “bullying” when you cite her own words, er…uh, her own madness against her. Take heart that she received about 1/2 the votes she did last time, so we aren’t too worried. NONE of her slate made it, so thankfully we don’t have to draw your attention to any of them any longer.

More good news:


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Galen Clagett came in last, showing that he wasn’t able to fool enough people into thinking he was some kind of Progressive Democrat!

Let’s all enjoy walking on cloud 9 today. We will regroup to prep for November very soon. Whoo hoo!


This is not a drill! Repeat, this is not a drill! Get out and vote today!!!!

What else do we have to do to convince you?!

If you haven’t already taken advantage of early voting, then today is your day! Do not sit this one out folks! It’s not only time for you to make choices about who gets through on your party ticket, it’s a chance for EVERYONE to make sure our BoE stays on a sane path! If you missed it, take a look at what Cindy said about all you vile progressives:

Not afraid, just oh so very weary!

If you need help finding your polling location click here.  And if you are a procrastinator who still needs help figuring out who to vote for,  click on the League of Women Voter’s 411 site. Just get out and do it. There’s too much going on both locally and nationally for you to sit this one out!

If cute kittens can’t get you out the door, then we don’t know what else to do with you!


Let’s compare and contrast council member comments! Your Juneteenth council meeting report!

We know Bessie..we know.

This has been a depressing week so far, hasn’t it? We still have not recovered from the audio released from where they are keeping the children along the border. Don’t think we ever will. So, our patience with the likes of Billy is pretty darn thin when he retweets trash like this:

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We can’t say enough “nice” things about these people!

We thought the meeting may be a nice distraction from the national horror show that our country has now become, and maybe if not for Billy, it would have been. Let’s take it from the top.

We missed a few parts here and there, but were able to get to most of it.

First of all, Kirby decided it made great political sense to miss the last meeting before the election! An alert reader led us to believe that he was planning his victory party and then shared this screenshot with us:


You kill us Kirby!

Billy votes against the agenda and abstains on the budget adjustments. Worthless!

There are six installment purchase agreements and all pass 6-0.

Planning commission appointments and all county executive appointments are approved with NO DRAMA.

We are given a very confusing audit/not audit on the agreement between the Sheriff’s department and ICE. Not the 287g agreement that everyone was talking about last week, but the Intergovernmental Service Agreement. Just how many agreements do we have with ICE anyway? The nice lady presenting basically said that it was cost-effective for the county, but that her numbers weren’t 100% solid. It seems as though the Feds give the Sheriff’s office somewhere around $80 and the Sheriff’s department spends somewhere around $50 on each inmate. So, that begs the question from both Jessica and Jerry if the feds can come back asking for the money they collected and didn’t spend. A later public commenter speculates as to whether this money is being used to militarize the police department. And we couldn’t help but wonder that ourselves. We’ve all seen the tank, correction: the armored vehicle displayed around town. You haven’t? Well, click on over here.

The school construction fee first reading was taken off the agenda this evening and we had to bow out of the others. We also walked in late to the discussion of the proposed charter amendments. There was some lively characters giving comment, but none of this lasted very long.

Not it’s time for the compare and contrast portion of the evening!

Alright! Calm down!

Tony starts off the comments very concerned.  Tells us that people don’t have the right to come up here and politic. But, they do have the right to tell us their titles! Because he wants to know what y’all are up to! He says that Jan said on the radio that they were editing the titles and all the naughty words out of the 287g meeting! Now, naughty words be gone, but Tony will not stand for the erasure of the titles! That’s censorship! And all of this seems as though it should have been handled through email. Ray Barnes says he will look into.

Jerry starts off his comments by making us aware of the free summer meals for students who need them. Also, puts out a call for election judges and reminds us to support our local fire departments by attending the local carnivals. He then gives us all a nice history lesson about Juneteenth and the 13th-15th amendments to the Constitution. We all appreciate this very much since it seems as though nobody remembers anything these days. He ends this nice little talk with: “The right to vote is a continuous fight.”

Guess who is going to ruin it?

Billy. Of Course. The first thing out of Billy’s mouth after Jerry mentions the struggles African Americans have had to overcome is this: “I think if you vote you should have to show a photo i.d. That’s what I am going to fight for!”

If he is even capable of feeling any shame!

He then proceeds to pat himself on the back for solving the opioid crisis through his Classmates 4 Life film contest. As though anyone is buying that load of crap!

Jessica and M.C. and Bud also have nice things to say about events they attended and all the nice things that are happening in our community this week. And this is why this section is entitled “Compare and Contrast.” Tony has complaints about unconstitutional video editing, Billy wants to suppress the vote and congratulate himself, meanwhile the other four want to talk about what is going on in our community.  See the difference? We sure do.

Remember to vote folks. #localelectionsmatter, a whole freaking lot.

Ummm, can someone let the council know that things slow down in the summer? Your June 19th council drinking game!

That’s what we want to know!

Seriously folks, we are used to things slowing down a bit in the summertime! Someone didn’t pass that memo along to the council! Just look at this agenda!!! How are we supposed to keep tabs on all the election news AND all the terribleness of the national news AND the council agenda? We will give it the old college (ELITE!) try for y’all! Remember this is just for chuckles and to keep you informed, we’ve even included some non-alcoholic drinks so you can keep your wits about you! We need you to vote, not to end up in the ditch like Edgar Allen Poe.

Let’s remind everyone that it is summertime by mixing up a bunch of summer themed cocktails!

We should savor the fact that Billy will either vote against or abstain from voting against the agenda, budget adjustments and minutes since he’s not going to be on the dais much longer. However, our patience has run thin so we’ll skip right over this part.

There are six separate installment purchase agreements to talk about and vote on. They are listed in the agenda for you to peruse. We are going to go out on a limb and guess that the property owners are on board with this or it wouldn’t be called an agreement! However, if property rights are screamed from the corners, make yourself a nice tall White Grape Spritzer to brighten up your mood!

Buckle down for a whole slew of county executive appointments! If any axes are ground, slap back a pitcher of Peach-Ginger Ice Tea!

Next up is the government review of the agreement between ICE and the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office. If you didn’t read the article of this meeting last week, it is a must-see. We here at the Yokel are not fans of the High Sheriff and his participation in this program. We don’t expect anything to change anytime soon, so just go ahead and make a vat of Watermelon-Coconut coolers to see you through it.

There are three first reading items. Two have to do with the accessory dwelling units and the last one has to due with school construction fees. First readings are for information only, so we’ll be watching out for these items in the future!

Next up is a vote on the Sustainability commission. When “someone” talks about all the ridiculous environmental protections go ahead and sip on your Berry-Guava lemonade.

The evening continues with two public hearings. One regards sewage amendments (yawn!) and then on to the council amendments that could reach our ballot come November. Remember the collect bargaining amendment is something our firefighters want, not some socialist attempt to take over the universe.

Remember to vote! #localelectionsmatter!

9 more days until voting starts! What’s been going on around here anyway?

Sorry, Tiger, hopefully everyone who can vote will!

We’ve been talking about how to go about showing our gentle readers all that’s been going on around here lately. Honestly, it’s next to impossible. Therefore, in preparation for the primary election we are going to show you as much as we can about what we’ve found in recent days. Let’s start with Kirby and this “Guess Who?” meme:

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Ah, first of all the only candidate who has received any benefits is the only one that has been elected to the office. So, how can it possibly be all of them? That makes zero sense. Let’s delve a little deeper into this though. Do we really expect people who work full-time in a political office not to be compensated for their work? Or, perhaps Kirby is one of those elitists we keep hearing about that believes that only those who are independently wealthy should hold political office. Guess who else has worked close to 8 years as a politician? That’s right Kirby. And he wants 4 more!

We can’t point out Kirby without taking a look at the other half of the Shrelauter equation: Billy! There honestly isn’t much to say. He hasn’t put out any signs. He did answer the FNP’s questions in which he claimed to have solved the opioid epidemic. But, besides that we’ll let the likes on his Billy for Senator Facebook page speak for themselves:

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Now on to the BOE race. Seth Eisenberg has been a constant source of amusement for us these past few months. From his freaking out over every bad piece of press he gets, his car-side chats, and his claim to be running because of his son even though his son does not attend an FCPS school, there are days that we don’t even know where to begin with this guy. Here’s a good view into his candidacy.  This is his answer to a testing question put forth by the FNP:

What is with him and Kirby and the double negatives? Well, we give this guy a triple negative endorsement! How do you like them apples?

And you know we have to mention Cindy…again. Even though we’ve done it a million times over, we need to make sure that everyone knows what a terrible choice she would be for our BOE.  If this lady had just stuck to over-testing, we may have had some common ground. But alas! We’ll leave you some of our favorite, more recent, posts we’ve seen her make:

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The Wonkette, one of our favorite blogs, did a couple of great pieces about him a few weeks back. If you missed the New York Times article about this fella, take a gander. He believes not only in the patriarchy, but that women should be in enforced monogamy with men! Why, you ask? Well, if not men will become violent, like all those disgusting incels you’ve been hearing about lately. And who is to blame? The man? No, no, no! According to Jordan Peterson women are!

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Sanctity?  When is she going to leave the transgender population alone?

And, let’s not forget the other two that have hitched their wagons to the aforementioned:

You are the company you keep fellas! Wait, I thought they weren’t a slate!

We don’t rubber stamp every Democrat that comes down the line, nor do we rally against every Republican (Vote Steve McKay in District 2 if you are voting in the Republican primary!) Click here and here to read what we think about Galen Clagett.

This morning we were alerted to a story about congressional contender David Trone and his efforts to get the African American vote in A Miner Detail. Read it all here, but pay special attention to this excerpt that has to do with trying to recruit two Frederick City Aldermen to his campaign:

On Shackelford, Trone writes, “he is the easy fruit.”

“I don’t want to use him right away. I want to use Roger Wilson because we have to bring him out and get him to support us openly and that will send other messages to the black community because he represents in absentia Jan Gardner in the county government and he has his own strong network of people than Derek who has been to my house and been great doesn’t have [sic].”

Trone continued, “After we run Roger down and get as much help from him as we can get, then we will talk about when to shift over to Derek.”

Trone does not have the backing of your Lady Yokels.

We know there are more candidates that we need to bring attention to, but this is all we have the time and energy for today. If you know of any other stories that need to be shown the light of day, do not hesitate to put them in the comments for all to see!